Is everyone in your organisation running the same race?

PDCA engages with multiple levels of the organisation to unlock human capabilities and align them behind a common purpose. This is done in a sustainable way, benefitting people, planet and profit.


One-to-one coaching to maximize performance by helping a client reach their peak potential. The aim is to develop leadership, create self-discipline, build a self-belief system, create motivation, and improve self-awareness. Adapted to suit organisation level and client social style preferences.


Learning experiences designed to bring about permanent changes in an individual's knowledge, attitudes or skills. Areas covered include process improvement using Lean Sigma methods (all belt levels covered), project management, Agile, problem solving, risk, operations and change management. Individuals can join publicly run courses (online) or training can be arranged in-company (online or in-person). QQI certification and PMI/ASQ exam preparation available. Training topics and materials can be designed with client engagement where a unique solution is desired.


Interpersonal conflict is a fact of life and particularly of organisational life. Mediation provides an impartial service to help parties navigate a path to resolution.


Designing off-site workshops or stepping in to facilitate existing meetings. Creating synergy by focusing the group. Facilitation skills enhance communications, ensuring that all have an opportunity to participate.


Design and implementation of integrated management systems (Quality, Risk, Environment, Occupational Health & Safety, Energy and Information Security). Auditing as a means of preparing for initial ISO accreditation or follow-up audits. Also, supply chain vendor audits can be performed on behalf of clients.

The PDCA mentality informs how we engage with clients. We encourage a culture of learning and seek to build successful outcomes using data rather than opinions and observations rather than assumptions.

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is an iterative, four-stage approach for continually improving processes, products or services, and for resolving problems.

The PDCA Cycle provides a simple and effective approach for solving problems and managing change. It enables organisations to develop hypotheses about what needs to change, test these hypotheses in a continuous feedback loop, and gain valuable learning and knowledge. It promotes testing improvements on a small scale before updating organisation-wide procedures and work methods. The PDCA cycle consists of four components:

The PDCA cycle consists of four components:

Plan – Identify a problem and collect data. Develop hypotheses (theories) about what the issues may be and decide which one to test.
Do – Carry out an experiment or pilot a solution. Collect data to measure the results.
Check –Study the results and discuss what has been learned
Act – Document the learning. If the solution was successful, implement it or agree the next experiment. If not, decide on the next plan and repeat the PDCA cycle again.